Australian Huntington’s Disease Association (SA & NT) Inc.
Working towards a world without Huntington’s Disease
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Our Vision
“Working together towards
a world without
Huntington’s Disease.”
Our Mission
“To strive for the best possible quality of life for people affected by Huntington’s Disease and their families and carers though support, advocacy and education.”
Our Aims
Support: Provide support and information to enable people with Huntington’s Disease and their families to understand and cope with their illness and symptoms, facilitate support networks, operate social/therapeutic weekly programs for Huntington’s sufferers
Advocacy: Lobby for ongoing funding to maintain or expand the provision of services to people with Huntington’s Disease and their families & carers, fight discrimination agaisnt people “at risk”.
Education: Increase community awareness of Huntington’s Disease, provide relevant information to Huntington’s Disease sufferers and their famililies, provide training sessions for carers, health professionals and residential facilities, promote the Association through community participation.
Membership Renewal / Application Form
Please download, print and fill out the Membership renewal/application form and post it to the following address along with any payment if required. Please feel free to call us on (08) 8352 2202 if you have any questions.
P O Box 580, North Adelaide, 5006
You can also use the form to make a donation, get further information and remove yourself from the mailing list.
Please note : The membership form is a PDF file, you will need Adobe Acrobat to view/print these files. This program can be freely obtained from the Adobe website and is available for Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX and Linux. Please click here to download Adobe Acrobat reader