Australian Huntington’s Disease Association (SA & NT) Inc.
Working towards a world without Huntington’s Disease
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Our Vision
“Working together towards
a world without
Huntington’s Disease.”
Our Mission
“To strive for the best possible quality of life for people affected by Huntington’s Disease and their families and carers though support, advocacy and education.”
Our Aims
Support: Provide support and information to enable people with Huntington’s Disease and their families to understand and cope with their illness and symptoms, facilitate support networks, operate social/therapeutic weekly programs for Huntington’s sufferers
Advocacy: Lobby for ongoing funding to maintain or expand the provision of services to people with Huntington’s Disease and their families & carers, fight discrimination agaisnt people “at risk”.
Education: Increase community awareness of Huntington’s Disease, provide relevant information to Huntington’s Disease sufferers and their famililies, provide training sessions for carers, health professionals and residential facilities, promote the Association through community participation.
Become a Huntington’s Association Volunteer
Volunteers make our services possible – without their dedication we could not provide HD clients and their carers with such a wide range of information, education and support services. Our highly valued volunteers are the lifeblood of AHDA.
Volunteering with us can mean learning new skills, using your own life experience to help others, and gaining immense satisfaction from being able to put something back into the community.
- Meet a great team of people who enjoy their work, and have fun
- Have the satisfaction of genuinely helping people
- Expand your knowledge and skills
- Social event for our volunteers every 3 months
We need helpers in the following areas:
Public Speakers
Volunteers who are trained in public speaking can reach many people in retirement villages, service clubs and other community groups. Would you enjoy using the spotlight to help bring HD to the attention of the wider community?
Assistants at our Social and Recreational Program
We need people with good interpersonal skills to assist with recreational and craft activities, meal preparation and serving, and transport. Are you a people person?
Office Assistants
Our office needs the help of organised people with administration skills who can help with phones, faxing and photocopying, and mail-outs. It would be especially helpful if you could offer a regular time each week. Are you an admin guru?
Lottery Ticket Sellers
Promote the Association and sell Channel 9 Telethon lottery tickets at the Channel 9 Telethon Lottery prize home, Royal Show, Home Show and many other expos and sites. Are you an enthusiastic salesperson?
Badge Day Collectors
We need only 2 hours of your time during our collection months, in either Adelaide CBD, or in country or suburban shopping centres. These 2 hours will make a big difference to our success on Badge Days.
Please contact us if you think you can volunteer for one or more of the above positions.